Tuesday, July 9, 2013

♡ Beginner Natural ♡

Honestly, I don't know where to begin with this, but something I will start off by saying is that when I first started trying to take care of my hair I was so confused...there are soo many different websites that say soo many different things and just confuse you, but this post is to help you learn to take care of your hair easily if you're a beginner, so you don't have to pretty much waste approximately 2 years of your life doing research...and I still do lots of it! But I think I am getting close to forming a sold hair regimen. The best part is, once you form a regimen, there's nothing more you have to do to let your hair be healthy, feel moisturized constantly, and grow naturally! Here are some basic tips to simplify your process and make your life lots easier, courtesy of me! ^.^

1. Join Hair Forums
I say this because people on hair forums can help you with your hair based on personal experiences, you can get advice and information from people who may have more knowledge on a certain topic than you, as well as product recommendations, even homemade recipes that work for some people! I find them really helpful and here are a few I may personally suggest:
Curly Nikki Forums

2. Read Some Hair Books
Doing this will save you a lot of time, because most of them help you create a beginning, simple regimen, including product recommendations that are natural and have multiple hair uses, and these books usually have lots of advice on homemade products for those because cautious with money and managing their natural hair. You know, it doesn't have to cost soo much, but when you get lost and confused with your hair journey, you often end up becoming a product junkie! That's where I become thankful I'm just a young girl who doesn't have lots of money because I definitely know I would have become a product junkie at first! But hair really is just hair and you don't need to spend a fortune on it! Here seem to be some really great hair books, though I haven't personally read either, I think I would have benefited from it in the beginning of my hair journey. It just feels like all the information on hair care for naturals is all over the place on the web, and you need a sold starting place, even before joining a Hair Forum:
Grow It by Chicoro
The Science of Black Hair

3. Watch YouTube Hair Advice Videos With Your Hair Type!
This isn't essential for everyone, but if you have my hair type, 4C, watching videos of people with your hair type makes it a lot more helpful, and there seems not to be quite too many YouTube users I could find with my hair type, because personally, I find people with my hair type use products that work well with mine as well due to common issues my hair type specifically has. If you have 4C hair, here are some great YouTubers I recommend:

I actually intended on making this my first post on my blog but didn't get around to it, but this should definitely help! It will also help you in understanding things I talk about on my blog or will talk about in the future, but my goal is to be as thorough as possible in all my posts so literally anyone can understand them, despite what current hair knowledge they have! Hope this is helpful!

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